Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


Keep Your Healthy and Beauty

This lime generally used in mixed drinks, juice of lime has alot of benefits to our body that is for our health, addition of lime is also believed to be useful for beauty. This following are tips health of lime.
Health tips:
1.    Cough medicine
2.   Reduce heat loss
3.   Kidney stones
4.   Fever
5.   Flu
6.   Sore throat
7.   Diphtheria
8.   Rheumatic aches
9.   Tonsils
10. Toothaches
Beauty tips:
1.    Shrink and tighten pors
2.   Smoothes and brightens the skin
3.   Nails become clean and  bright
4.   Eliminating jetombe
5.   Relaxation
6.   Eliminates smell of sweat
7.   Relief of abdominal pain during menstruation
8.   Slimming the body
How to us lemon juice to lose weight:
After you wake up, drink a glass of warm lemon water with honey. Not only you will feel refreshed, but it will help your digestive system as lemon has a number of fiber pectin n them which helps in the assimilation of sugars into the bloods stream faster. The pectin fiber also helps in reducing hunger. So inderectly the lemon water helps weight loss.

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