Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


Tea, Healthy Drink

Tea is a tropical and subtropical plant which is scientifically known as Camellia Sinensis. From the results of cross-breeding, there are three types of tea are green tea, oolong tea, and black tea. Way of processing tea with tea leaves copped and dried in the sun so that chemical changes before being dried. Such treatment will cause the color of the tea leaves to brown and gives a distinctive flavor of black tea. Green tea is the oldest type of tea. This type of tea is preferred by the japanese and chinese people. Tea leaves undergo little processing, heating, and drying so that only the green of the leaves can be maintained. While oolong tea is more a kind of transition between black tea and green tea. The three types of this tea each have health benefits because it contains polyphenols called biochemical bond, including flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of anti-oxidants that naturally exist in the vegetables, fruits, and beverages such as tea and wine.
If we drink four to five cups of black tea every day will reduce the risk of stroke than these who consumed two cups of tea a day, and usually tea drinkers have lower cholesterol and lowervblood pressure. Although it remains unclear wether they were directly caused by tea. Green tea is also good to drink because green tea is very effective in protecting the skin from the sun can cause skin cancer, green tea also helps to prevent tooth decay.

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