Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013


Jambu Juice is a Release Thirst

 Strawberry Juice rejuvenates skin

Alpukat Juice refines skin

Apple juice to slimming body



(5 Mei 2013) yesterday, for many people diet soda is an easy way to enjoy a guilt-free, calorie-free sweet treat but some recent news has raised  new concerns about wether it is healthy to drink calorie-free carbonated soft drinks. Many doctors suggest ideal drink to diet is drink water or unsweetened or lightly sweetened  coffee or tea. But if it is between diet beverages and juices, fruit drinks or soda with tons of sugar in them , diet beverages are preferret.
Diet sodas may not be the ideal drink but many people are probably okay in moderation. Soda can cause dental erosion, especially for someone who drinks a lot of it: many people sip on diet sodas all day long. Diet soda is not an ideal drink because soda drinks can increase risk for stroke and heart attack among people who drink.

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


Short Story
The Princess and The Pea

One upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess,  but she would have to be a real princess. The travelled all over the world to find one, but now here could he get what he wanted. There were princess enough, but it was difficult to find out wether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be, so he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
One ovening terrible storm came on, there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate and the old king went to open it.
It was princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious !! what a sight the rain and the wind hade made her look. The water rain down from her hair and clothes: It rain down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.
Well, We will soo find that out, thought the old queen, but she said nothing went into the bed room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom, then she took twenty mattresses. And laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider down beds on top of the mattresses.
On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept.
“ Oh, very badly !” said she, “ I have scarcely cloosed my eyes all night ”. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am blak and blue all over my body. It is horrible !”.
Now they knew that she was a real princess because she  had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider down beds. Nobody but a real princess could be as a sensitive as that, so the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.


Meeting at Night

The gray sea and the long black land
And the yellow half-moon large and low
And the sterled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep
As I gain the cove with using prow
And quench its speed I the slushy sand
Then a smile of warm sea-scented beach Three fields to cross till a farm appears
A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match
And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears
Than the two hearts beating each to each !

                        By: Robert Browning (1812-1889)


Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright
The bridal of the carth and sky
The dew shall weep thy fall tonight
For thou must die
Sweet rose, whose hue angry and brave
Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye
Thy roots is ever in its grave
And thou must die
Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses
A box where sweets compacted lie
My music shows ye have your closes
And all must die
Only a sweet and virtuous soul
But though the whole world turn to coal
Then chiefly lives

                              By: George Herbert (1593-1633)



An organization is like a tree of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels.
Some monkeys are climbing up, some down.
The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smilling faces.
The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.


Keep Your Healthy and Beauty

This lime generally used in mixed drinks, juice of lime has alot of benefits to our body that is for our health, addition of lime is also believed to be useful for beauty. This following are tips health of lime.
Health tips:
1.    Cough medicine
2.   Reduce heat loss
3.   Kidney stones
4.   Fever
5.   Flu
6.   Sore throat
7.   Diphtheria
8.   Rheumatic aches
9.   Tonsils
10. Toothaches
Beauty tips:
1.    Shrink and tighten pors
2.   Smoothes and brightens the skin
3.   Nails become clean and  bright
4.   Eliminating jetombe
5.   Relaxation
6.   Eliminates smell of sweat
7.   Relief of abdominal pain during menstruation
8.   Slimming the body
How to us lemon juice to lose weight:
After you wake up, drink a glass of warm lemon water with honey. Not only you will feel refreshed, but it will help your digestive system as lemon has a number of fiber pectin n them which helps in the assimilation of sugars into the bloods stream faster. The pectin fiber also helps in reducing hunger. So inderectly the lemon water helps weight loss.


Health Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger tea or popular as Wedang Jahe is indonesian traditional healthy drink made from pure fresh ginger. Normally ginger use for cooking spices or cake flavor, healthy drink, medicine and ginger candy. Zingeber Officinale Ginger with scientific name of Zingeber Officinale contain two important digestive enzyme. Firstly, protease for break protein. Secondly, Lipase for break fat. Both of this enzyme assist body for digest and permeate food. Ginger also have 19 bio active components useful for body. The most important components are Gingerol having the character of anticoagulant which is preventing clothing of blood, become to prevent stuffing up of vein, the root cause of stroke, and heart attack. Gingerol also estimated can assist to drgrade cholesterol rate.
Modern research have proved ginger benefit scientifically, for example : Firstly, Degrading blood pressure. This matter because ginger stimulate release of adrenaline hormone and widen vein, as a result and fluent also lighten work heart to pump blood. Secondly, Assisting Digestion, because ginger contains of digestive enzyme. Thirdly, ginger also contain antioxydant which can assist to neutralizing of damage affect from free radical in body, etc.
Practical medicine, ginger as practical drug: ginger constitute palliative of pain naturally and can decrease rheumatism, headache, and migraine. It way is drink ginger tea/wedang jahe 3 times a day. Drink ginger tea make warm and refresh your body, you can drink ginger tea deliciously warm or cold or mixed with coffee, milk, tea and also after taking traditional herbal drink. Serving suggestion: pour the contents of sachet ginger/fresh ginger ( after cleaning and pound ) into a cup ( a round 250 ml ) of hot water and stir well.


Apple Juice, Rich Benefits

The apple that has a name very familiar Seamlessly Domestica in Indonesia. In addition to easy to obtain in some areas, such as in Malang, East Java, who serve as special agro tourism arena apples. Apple has been known to mankind since centuries has now developed into alternative medicine and also healthful beverage packaging in the form of a ready to use instantly like juice packs and so on. So whenever and wherever it can easily be enjoyed.
Apples also have alot of content such as: vitamints ( Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and vitamin C ), minerals, and other elements such as fitokinin fiber, tannins, baron, tartar acid, and much more. The content of apples are not in doubt, because many researchers have been scientifically proven efficacy and benefits of apples through the trial process and the results are so amazing. Apple skin is more useful than the flesh of the fruit due to the skin of apples are quercetin given this quercetin, make apple peels have antioxidant avtivity in the skin and flesh of the fruit between 1 to 4,7 times. Accordint to the analysis, red delicious apple skin contains troterpenoid. Troterpenoid is a kind of fat-soluble molecules that are naturally found in the skin of apples has a function as anti-cancer, one of which can inhibit the growth of colon cancer by 435, as well as lung cancer.
Benefit and efficacy of apples can also reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer, but it can also apples to lose weight, prevent asthma, lower cholesterol, control diabetes, prevent liver cancer, protect teeth and gums, as a cleanser and breath freshener because tannin substances in therein.


Tea, Healthy Drink

Tea is a tropical and subtropical plant which is scientifically known as Camellia Sinensis. From the results of cross-breeding, there are three types of tea are green tea, oolong tea, and black tea. Way of processing tea with tea leaves copped and dried in the sun so that chemical changes before being dried. Such treatment will cause the color of the tea leaves to brown and gives a distinctive flavor of black tea. Green tea is the oldest type of tea. This type of tea is preferred by the japanese and chinese people. Tea leaves undergo little processing, heating, and drying so that only the green of the leaves can be maintained. While oolong tea is more a kind of transition between black tea and green tea. The three types of this tea each have health benefits because it contains polyphenols called biochemical bond, including flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of anti-oxidants that naturally exist in the vegetables, fruits, and beverages such as tea and wine.
If we drink four to five cups of black tea every day will reduce the risk of stroke than these who consumed two cups of tea a day, and usually tea drinkers have lower cholesterol and lowervblood pressure. Although it remains unclear wether they were directly caused by tea. Green tea is also good to drink because green tea is very effective in protecting the skin from the sun can cause skin cancer, green tea also helps to prevent tooth decay.


Benefits of  SOYA Soy Milk

Soya soy milk is a beverage made from soy ingredients have very many benefits for health. Manufacturing process, which was soaked soybeans, milled, and then boiled and the juice is taken, but here we do not disscuss how to make soy milk but rather benefits for our health.
Keep in mind, that soy contains fiber, protein and essential fats are high. By drinking soy milk can help keep our bodies in order to function work optimally. As for the health benefits of soy milk is as follows:
Firstly, Soya soy milk can prevent osteoporosis. Consuming soy milk can help prevent osteoporosis. Consuming soy milk can help prevent osteoporosis because there are hormones phytoestrogen in soy that can help speed up absorption of calcium by the body so that the bones will become stronger.
Secondly, Soya soy milk can prevent prostate cancer. Hormones in milk soy phytoestrogens found ti inhibit the production of testosterone. If testosterone levels are to reduce the risk of prostate can in general is often experienced by men.
Thirdly, Soya soy milk can help to lose weight. Soy milk also has a fairly low sugar content. Try to compare with other milk, which milk has about 12 grams of sugar per cup of soy milk while only 7 grams. Then bladder unsaturated fatty acids in soy milk can inhibit the absorption of fat in the intestine, so it is effectively decreased the body weight.
Finally, Soya soy milk is very suitable to consume for our body health, because thi sSoya soy milk has very many benefits, such as: Soya soy milk can help prevent osteoporosis, prostate cancer, and Soya soy milk can also help to lose weight. Therefore, you should try to consuming soya soy milk and evidence it self.



Yogyakarta ( JP ).
( 22 April 2013 ) yesterday, after I interviwed with Mrs. Diana who has been using one of the Herbalife products is N.R.G tea, actually many people who do not know Herbalife products ( Herbalife nutrition ). Herbalife is food suplement to help meet nutritional needs with optimal cellular nutrition techology. This N.R.G instant tea has many benefits, namely : increase the absorption and circulation of oxygen in the blood, which helps increase stamina optimal, brain and concentration improve, fix the problems that arise in the head, such as dizzeness, improve allergy problems, as an alternative to drink coffee because it is lighter for the digestive system, the respiratory system such as updating asthma and sinisitis.
N.R.G tea is one of the  Herbalife products. N.R.G tea ( Nature’s Raw Gurana ) is a tea made from the seeds of the guarana fruit only in Brazil. It has been consumed by the natives to increase stamina and concentration, it is suitable for your asthma and for those of you who like to exercise because in addition to prevent dehydration in your body, it will also keep you fresh all day powered.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013


Hello Healthy People......

If you have a health problem you should check with your parents and your family doctor before taking part in any strenuous activity or if you want to lose weight. Nowadays, I provide healthy drink product in my blog. So you can see it self. Therefore, you can try healthy drink product which I offer you.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen...
Be over weight is a common problem today. If you are top plump or just plain fat, exercise can help you, some people skip breakfast or avoid nourishing foods, in the mistake belief that this will keep them slender. It is far better to eat properly, get plenty of exercise and you should drink healthy drink because its necessary for good health, clear skin, and a trim figure.

From now, you must adjust your self to healthy food and healthy drink!